Social Media

Through my time as Social Media Manager, I have learned graphic design and copywriting, as well as best practices for responding to direct messages and comments. I have gained a better understanding of the needs and audiences of different social platforms and have learned about SEO-optimization through captions, alternative text, and hashtags; alternative text must also be used for accessibility, allowing more people to engage with one's content.

English Club

While in college, I spent 3 years on the executive board of our English Club, where I held the position of Social Media Manager and later President. I managed our Instagram, Discord, and email, as well as our Twitter before we decided to phase it out.

I wrote copy and created graphics using Canva to share event and meeting information with the campus community. The graphics were also often used at in-person promotional events or for flyers.

I ran our social media independently but did delegate some of the responsibility to another member during the last semester of my senior year.

Novel's Nook

I worked as a freelance Social Media Manager from May to September of 2022. My client was a freelance ghostwriter and editor that wanted to advertise her services and share writing advice through her social media. I managed her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

I created graphics through Canva, aiming to retain a specific brand image for her page and for the various series I worked on. I occasionally contributed my own photography as well.

I was in close communication with her via Discord and email to ensure posts were to her specifications, and I collaborated with her on the copy seen in all posts and captions. I used Google Calendar to set up a posting schedule.

Personal Instagram

I have also managed my own photography social media page. Through this platform, I aim to build a community, learn from fellow photographers, and share my work and passion with others.

For my posts, I use the SCRL app to assist in the formatting. I have begun making reels too, and I do this through Capcut and Instagram's built-in editor.

All of my photos are edited in Adobe Lightroom, and I sometimes use Adobe Photoshop as well.